This site has been archived on 31/08/2005. No new content will be added.

COST€R Workshop

Title: Costing the Production of Educational Multimedia
Duration: 3 hours (but can be modified upon request)
Location: On-site
Workshop leaders: Professional educational multimedia producers from either ATiT and the Audiovisual Services, KULeuven in Belgium, Videoscop-Université Nancy II in France or UOC in Spain, depending on where your premises are
Target group: This workshop is intended specifically for those interested in identifying the direct costs of educational multimedia production regardless of the organisational setting and who would like to develop a methodology for costing such productions within their own institution or organisation. It will not focus on either a quality assessment of various approaches to multimedia production or to discussion regarding media choice. Participants should be familiar with the broad categories of multimedia currently used in online learning.
  • General issues related to budgeting multimedia
  • The difference between budgeting eLearning versus budgeting educational multimedia materials
  • Presentation of the existing tools, projects, and studies around budgeting multimedia
  • Practical hands-on demonstration of the COST€R Tool 2.6 Lite
Contact: COST€R Secretariat – ATiT
tel +32 16 223 273